Friday, May 3, 2013

one July day in Texas

“Ooohh baby, it smells good-than-a-muthafucka in here!!!”

“Thank you honey, want a beer?”

“Hell yea, I been out in that hot ass Texas sun fuck’in with your car all day; I need a cold brew!”

“Sit down; I’ll fix you a plate too… Here you go honey.”

“What the fuck is this shit???”


“This shit that you put on my plate?”

“Smothered pork chops, mashed potatoes, and green beans.”

“Bitch, you know I don’t eat no fuck’in swine!!! I done told your ass that I don’t eat no fuck’in swine!!!”

“That’s not swine baby, those are pork chops…”

“You know what??? I gotta go…”

“Where you go’in baby?”

“I’m going to my other bitch’s house; she knows what her nigga likes to eat…”

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