Monday, November 3, 2008

real words

I’m not a Crip, but I Can’t Stop Wont Stop
They keep yell’in C.R.E.A.M., so I keep try’in to rise to the top
I’m SupaStar but very few people know my name
That’s ok, I just want the loot…fuck the damn fame
Like Ross, I’m out here hustl’in each and every day
When shit gets tough I come harder, I gotta find my way
Being Supa ain’t easy, but yo somebody gotta do it
Old dude upstairs tagged me and said, “Homie now you it!”
So I wake up everyday thankful for another
Get out get it and bring it home, word to my mother
She did it for me and my older brothers by her only
At times it was hard cause I was left at home lonely
Now that I’m grown I understand and appreciate
She was out there grind’in so that we would have a better fate
Now I’m the head and got grown man responsibilities
My little seeds are watch’in close so I’m on my Q’s and P’s
And like I told yall before, sometimes I don’t like being a rock
But then I do what I gotta, like I did when I was a jock
This shit is bigger than me, but I’m here make’in my mark
Sometimes it gets kinda heavy, I lighten the shit with a spark
Some of my people feel me, while others will never overerstand
Peace to Guru, Lil’ Dap, and Jeru, Now I’m the Mutha Fuck’in Man

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