Wednesday, November 5, 2008


i don’t wake up in the A.M. thinking i’m the shit or the urine
i rise and shine that bright light on my wife and my children
sometimes i wake and bake that sticky-icky to…get me go’in
most times i wake and make them good eats to…keep ‘em grow’in
you see, i take good care of my seeds
i keep their garden free of weeds
and i pay close attention to all their wants and needs
at times i lose sleep try’in to figure how I’m gonna pay for college
but i got ‘em both enrolled in the SupaDupa school of knowledge
so they already got a jump on them other shoots and stems
they know the road gets rocky so they ask’in for fresh Tims
soon there will be a third seed thrive’in in our Supa nation
i’m the Sun, she’s the Moon, and they the Stars; my solar system is in heavy rotation
and if your feel’in suicidal and wanna fuck with a member of my squad
i’ll mash your ass bloody like Chris did Michael’s stank ass dad on season quad

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