Thursday, January 31, 2008


“Knowledge of one’s identity, one’s self, community, nation, religion and God is the true meaning of resurrection while ignorance of it signifies hell.”
-The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

"A musician, if he's a messenger, is like a child who hasn't been handled too many times by man, hasn't had too many fingerprints across his brain. That's why music is so much heavier than anything you ever felt."
-Jimi Hendrix

“The key to understanding others is to understand one’s self.”
-Helen Williams

“I am large, I contain multitudes.”
-Whitmanesque concept

“Rich is the man who knows when he has enough.”

“America has covered itself with a heavy wet material that soaks up annoying complaints like mine. It listens to nothing it does not want to hear and wraps its unread citizens, white and black, in the airless garment of circumambient denial, swathing it all in a lace of fine, sweet lies that further blur everyone’s understanding of ‘why black people are like they are.’”
-Randall Robinson from The Debt

"The warm bittersweet smell of Negro welcomed us as we entered the churchyard..."
-Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird

"And, after all, isn't that what life is all about, the ability to go around back and come up inside other people's heads to look out at the damned fool miracle and say: oh, so that's how you see it!"
-Ray Bradbury

"Now he the whiteman has won our brothers, and or clan can no longer act as one. He has put a knife on the things that have held us together and we have fallen apart."
-Okonkwo from Things Fall Apart

"The ancestor of every action is a thought."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

"One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine who have only interests."
-John Stuart Mill

"They can because they think they can."

"The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation."
-Mark Twain

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