Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Going Home-part1

Ben drove slowly down the dark street. As he came to a stop at the light he heard a woman’s voice yelling from the other side of the car.
“Hey baby, what you look’in foe?”
He lowered the passenger side window all the way and looked in the direction the voice had come from but all he could see was darkness.
He was about to drive off when he heard her again. “Hey baby…over here!”
As he focused his eyes into the darkness he could barley make out the tall figure of a woman. He sat there straining his eyes as she moved into the light of the streetlamp. She was tall, almost six feet, with full breasts and wide hips; here skin was the color of caramel. He could not help but to notice the sexy way she swung her ass as she made her way across the street to his car. As she leaned over to speak into the passenger side window she blew a big puff of cigarette smoke into the car. The slight upturn of her eyes hinted at exotic!
“You look’in for a good time old man? Cause if you are, you in the right place.”
“You’re beautiful,” is all that he could manage to say as he got a good look at her face.
“Thank you baby, but I know this. I don’t have time to stand here and model for you cause time is money and I need to get mines! You try’in ta fuck or get your dick sucked?”
“How much?”
“Forty to fuck and twenty for a suck…”
“How about I take you off these streets tonight? I got a room over by downtown.”
“Say what? What you think this is, take a hoe home night? Naw baby, I don’t get down like that! Too many bitches end up dead behind shit like that…we can take care of business right here in yo car.”
He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a large wad of folded bills. As he unfolded them, she could see that they were all hundreds. He peeled off one and handed it to her.
“I’m not into any sick shit and I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to spend the night with you. I can pay you what you want. Now, what is your pimp going to say about that?”
She grabbed the bill out of his fingers and shoved it into her boot as she got into the car. “Nigga, pimp’in is dead. I take care of myself! A bitch gotta be her own boss out here if she gonna make any loot.”
“I heard that, lets ride.”
As he put the car in drive and pulled off into the night, Ben could not help but smell the sick mixture of body odor, alcohol, and cigarettes. He quickly rolled down his window.
“Damn girl, when was the last time you had a hot shower?”
“What? Muthafucka what you try’in to say? You say’in that I stank or someth’in? Fuck you you old bastard, let me out this gotdam car!”
Tears were filling her eyes now.
“Be cool little momma, I’m not trying to disrespect you…”
“Naw nigga, you can take this bill back and drop me off right here!”
Ben stopped the car,” Hold up! Lets keep it real. You smell like you been on the street for weeks and your teeth look like they forgot what it is to be brushed.”
She was feeling very self-conscious now. She ran her fingers through her long wig and tried to pull her skirt down over her thick thighs.
“Why the fuck you pick me up then if I’m so damn dirty?”
“I don’t know, I mean, I would not have usually given you a second look but there is something about you. You’re different.”
He smiled at her for the first time as he reached over to brush her hair out of her face.

With pouty lips, she looked at him out of the corner of her eye. “Someth’in about me hmmm?”
“Yes, your tall, beautiful, big titties, great hips…but there is something about your eyes…”
Blushing now, she turned to look at Ben square in the face. “What do you want from me?”
“Like I said, I just want to spend some time with you. That’s all.”


The room was rather large and clean for a cheap hotel. The bedding had been removed and placed in a bundle on the floor. A large comforter and new set of sheets, still in plastic, were sitting at the foot of the bed along with a large black leather bag. The sweet smell of ensents lingered in the air as Soft Jazz quietly played from a small radio on the stand next to the bed.
“Take off your clothes.”
Smiling, she turned on her heels to face Ben. “Slow down baby, I don’t even know your name.”
Ben held out his hand. “Jenkins, Ben Jenkins. Please forgive me for my rudeness”

She took his hand and looked deep into his eyes as if she were trying to read his soul. “That’s ok Ben, you have been nicer to me in the last hour than anybody has been in years. I’m Park.”
“Park…hmmm? Where did you get such a lovely name?”
“My momma was Chinese. She named me after the beautiful cypress trees that she played in as a child.” Park let go of Ben’s hand and turned her back. “She died when I was ten, she came across a bad batch of H.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok, it was a long time ago… She came to this country to go to art school, she was the best painter ever!”
Park paused and wrapped her arms around her body as if the room had suddenly turned cold.
“She met my dad at a reefer party and fell in love. He taught her how to speak English and she taught him how to love. They were a funny couple, he was a tall dark skinned Black man and she was a petite Chinese woman, but they loved each other to death. Actually, my dad could not live without her, he committed suicide two months after her overdose. Since my father’s family was nowhere to be found, I was put in foster care. I moved from family to family until I was fifteen. I thought I had finally found a home with this old couple, the Anderson’s, who had lost their two sons to the streets. Things were fine for the first few months but then he started touching me. He would come to my room at night and put his hands down my shirt and between my legs. After that went on for a while he started raping me. When I told his wife she cussed me and slapped my face and called me a liar. I ran away after four months with them. I lived on the streets and stole to survive. I did that for a while and then started trick’in to pay for food and a place to sleep. I have been out here suck’in dicks and sell’in my pussy for ten years now…”
Tears rolled down her face in waves now. She no longer had that street swagger that had kept her going for so long. She now looked like a little girl lost in a big world. Ben, holding his breath, moved to her and took her in his arms.
“Please don’t cry…your going to make me start too.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t act like this. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I never cry.”
She moved out of Ben’s arms and with her back to him again she wiped her eyes with her dirty blouse before pulling it off over her head. She unzipped her boots and kicked them off, then she pulled her skirt down to her ankles and stepped out of it. Completely naked, she turned to face Ben.

Seeing her naked body sent a chill through him. He thought out loud, “Look at her, she is perfect, she is the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen!”

“What was that?”
Embarrassed and blushing Ben turned to puck-up the large leather bag from the foot of the bead and handed it to her, “Oh, umm nothing. Here take this.”

“What’s this?”
“Just some soap, shampoo and conditioner, a razor and shave gel, some listerine, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and a pair of pajamas. Take this and do your thing in the shower while I step out for a minute.”
“But, you’re leaving me…where are you going?”
“I’ll be right back. I’m just going down the street to that West Indian Shop to get us some food. You do like curry don’t you?”
“Well, sure. I could use someth'in to eat right about now!”
“I thought so. Do you drink peach schnapps?”
“I will tonight!”
“Good, you get cleaned up and I’ll see you in a few.”

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