Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Super Hero

I was seven years old and in the first grade back in 1980. At that time we lived about a mile from my school. I walked to and from school everyday. Well, on this particular day as I was just leaving the school grounds when I remembered that I did not finish the assignment that we were working on. I thought about it and decided to go back to class and finish the assignment. Ms. Fowler, my homeroom teacher, was so proud of me that she wrote my mom this really nice letter about what I had done. As a reward my mom took me to the store that night and told me to pick out whatever pair of Underoos I wanted. I will never forget it. I had been asking for a pair of Underoos for a while. I chose Spider Man. I was on cloud nine. I had my first pair of Underroos and they were fly. I felt so good when I wore them under my clothes, I kind of felt like I was a Super Hero. I went on to have several pairs of Underoos but I never forgot my first pair.

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