Tuesday, January 22, 2013


i been up all night smoke’in skunk and drink’in yak
if i close my eyes i feel like i might never make it back
to this reality, one of the other ones might lock me down
matter of fact, shut up a second…did you hear that fuck’in sound?
i’m paranoid and not sure how much longer I can hold it together
this warm sunshine is being overcome by some cold dark weather
it’s get’in chilly up in this joint, nigga i’m afraid that bitch is come’in
you see, the devil ain’t a dude; she’s a big booty ass woman
with big titties, thick thighs, and some bloody red lips
and she is look’in for your nigga, try’in to give me all her chips
and in return she wants my soul on a one way trip
down to that cold ass place, some people call it hell
she wants me to fuck her forever, in her dirty snatch that smells
of death and disease, pestilence and sick plague
so I can splatter her ovaries and fertilize her evil eggs
she plans to populate the earth with an army of evil sons-a-bitches
spawned from a nigga with a Supa dick and a woman with an eternity of riches

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