Thursday, February 23, 2012


when I die don’t burry me a G
burn my lifeless body and spread my ashes by the sea
return me to the water, Aquarius is me
bring my great grand seeds to the beach to visit Granddaddy
teach them about my life and times, pass on ourstory
raise ‘em to be Kings and Queens ‘cause they come from royalty

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Keep your dollar and a dream and fuck that genie and 3 wishes/
Give me a sack of strong, some brown liquor, and three big booty ________/
That’s all the help I need to work my plans and stack my riches.


I have the same dream about every other month:
It is the last day of the second grade. I walk out of school and my dad is there waiting for me. I’m so happy and surprised. We walk over to Manuel’s corner store in Blumberg Park and get ice cream. It is the best time ever; me and my dad. We begin to walk home and are about four blocks away from the crib when they drive by…
I see the fear jump into his eyes when he sees the car make the U-turn. I can feel that he wants to run, but he can’t leave me there. The car comes to a screeching halt in front of us and three young men jump out. Two of them are carrying bats; the other has a knife with a big blade. The one with the knife speaks; “What’s hapn’in Frank?”
Dad just steps in front of me.
“Herple been look’in for you Frank.”
“Tell Herple that I got his money at the house.”
“He said that you was gonna say that. He told me to tell you that he’s sick and tired of wait’in on you and he ain’t gon wait on yo ass no more.”
He holds the knife in dad’s face and turns and smiles at me; the sun is sparkling off of the diamond in his mouth.
Dad punches dude with the diamond in his nose and pushes me toward the curb.
As dude falls back holding his face dad turnes to me and yells, “Run son!!!”
I take two steps backwards and turn to run into a wall; there are four of them. I guess the fourth dude had been following dad on foot. He wraps his python like arm around my neck and lifts me off of the ground, “You ain’t go’in nowhere little nigga!”
Dad doesn’t move a step; he just turns and faces the other three. Dude with the knife is bleeding from his nose while still flashing his diamond smile, “Why did you have to go and do that Frank? Now I gotta have my hommies fuck you up!”
He pulls a red bandanna out of his back pocket and wipes his bloody nose. He motions to the two batters and says, “Let’s get this over wid.”
Dad runs up on one of the dudes with the bats and catches him with a hard left to the jaw; dude goes down hard. As dad turns to where he thinks the other one is, the bat meets the back of his head, dad goes down. By this time, dude that’s holding me has lowered me to the ground but I can’t move. He just holds me there and makes me watch as the other one with the bat beats the grey out of dad’s head.
It turns out that they beat my dad to death over a fuck’in dice game…
I am always in the process of using my bare hands to scoop up dad’s brains when I wake up.

Friday, February 17, 2012

I Reminisce

I used to love spark'in in the park
I spent so much time get’in lifted, just me and the birds and trees
I used to reflect a lot when I was in my special state, just sitting out there on a park bench
I would think about the world and how I did or did not fit in
I would wonder why my life was not quite like I wanted it to be
I would tip-toe on contemplating what my life would be like had I ended up with another woman

But then I could not imagine life without my kids and that was that
I remember picking up sacks and driving to Fiesta to roll in the parking lot; then on to the park
I did a lot of my night time burning in this one particular park
The anonymity of burn’in in the park at night is so attractive
People would walk right by me and never know what I looked like
One night I was burn’in in the park and this big ass owl flew over my head; that shit was so cool, like in the nature shows
I miss spark'in in the park

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

another short

I’m a freak to the core, I like a good girl, but I love me some whores
I be bust’in in they faces and they be steady beg’in for more
I like to put ‘em in the Buck and beat ‘em like a drum line
After they gush all over they say, “Damn Supa, you just beat that thang down like One-time!”

The Day

celebrate’in 39 trips around the sun today
money still short, but i might buy a fuck’in 9 today
and make a few withdraws and have myself a good day
“Might as well nigga, after all it is your birth day!”
drop by the florist, get some strong, and get straight lit today
send mom a shoe box of money with a note: MOMMA IT’S MOVE’IN DAY!
when people ask why i’m so happy i’ll say, “Shit, I found my groove today!”
hit the “package stoe” and get me someth’in 100 proof today
get to the crib with mad gifts and tell my moon my numbers hit today
my seeds will probably ask me if I had a good V-day
i’ll tell ‘em, “Folks been give’in daddy big bags of loot today!”
step out to check the mail and here, “Freeze muthafucka, or this will be your last day!”
cuff me and throw me in the car and say, “You know you done fucked up today!”

Friday, February 10, 2012

“a worthy cause”

“Ben, I don’t know how grandaddy gonna make it this time.”
“What you mean?”
“I done took my last pill this morning. I ain’t got no more money come’in in to get no more.”
“I’ll get you some money to buy your meds grandaddy.”
“Boy, you ain’t got no job! I don’t wont you to be out there in that damn trap, you hear me?"
“Yes sir.”
“I ain’t play’in. You stay away from down there!”
“OK, grandaddy.”


“So I just took out my gun and shot that muthafucka.”
“You shot him dead?”
“Naw, nigga. I shot him in the foot!”
“In the foot, why the fuck you do that?”
“I just wanted to get that big muthafucka off me, I did’nt want to kill him.”
“Yea, but now he gone be look’in for you when he get right.”
“I was wearing a ski mask, some Cali locs, coveralls, and a pair of duck boots. I burned all of them shits in a barrel in the dump. He gonna look but he ain’t gonna find me.”
“Ain’t he gonna remember your voice?”
“I didn’t say shit, I just handed him a note like in the movies.”
“How much did you get anyway?”
“Enough to pay for grandaddy’s meds for six months.”


Burn’in 84 sweets in the ’84 Fleetwood
Vogues and 84s got the shoes and the feet good
Diamonds under ass and they pressed against that grain
Donkey Kong throwing kegs around the trunk sound insane

“Come’in down wood grain, butter floor mats”
Got my wife beater on, show’in off my tats
Blowing killa green smoke out my moon roof
I can not tell a lie sun, I’m the fuck’in “troof”

“dime jack”

Nigga I’ll take your bitch and turn her into my dime
And have her yelling out “SUPA!!!” while I cut from behind
After a two week freak, I’ll drop her back to your place
And she can tell you all about how Supa took her on a trip to outer space
She’ll talk about bright stars and comets, galaxies and black wholes
But most of all she’ll rave about how Big Supa worked that pole
How I touched her spine and made her cum multiple times
And how I even showed her pics of some of my best work with past dimes
And when you go to sleep she’ll pack all her shit and leave a note to explain;
“Dear John, it has been nice, and I don’t wish to cause you any pain
But I’m writing you this letter just to make it understood
This little momma gotta bounce ‘cause SupaDupa got that Good…”

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

food for the thinking

Though it is a great accomplishment to finally have a Black president of these united states of america, it seems like a setback at the same time. A lot of Black folks have stopped digging as deep, stopped yelling as loud, stopped fighting as hard as they once did… Now that a Black man, a Black woman, and their Black children live in the white house, some Black people believe that we have finally overcome. They think the struggle is over. They think we have reached our goal. They think we are free at last because a Black man was elected, or depending how you look at it, allowed to be president of these united states of america.
Not to take anything away from brother Barack, but I see mirrors, smoke screens, veils, and more wool being pulled over already blinded eyes. They are still throwing us bones, bones with a little more meat on ‘em, but we are still getting bones while they are eating filet mignon. We are drinking 211 while they are drinking 100 year old Scotch. We are smoking stepped on while they burning that Cali-Medical. Are you following the analogy?
I don’t trust a muthafucka!!! Call it paranoia if you want; Paranoia: a baseless or excessive distrust of others. Follow the history of this country and tell me if my extreme distrust is really baseless or excessive. Muthafucka got your face in the mud all your life; hell he has had your face in the mood for the entire history of your people on this land. Been raping, murdering, maiming, starving, breaking up families, kicking your ass, turning you against your brother and sister, using your Black ass for all that he can, straight fuck’in your world up, and to this day he is still at it. And now that a Black man is really the HNIC, yall think that it is all good? “Nigga please, I got somethin’ real for your ass in these hands!”
How can one Black man reaching the “top” equal all of us reaching? They still got yall asses fooled cause you think shit is sweet now. The shit is still fucked up, in many ways it is more fucked up because a lot of us have been lulled into stagnation by the same muthafuckas that put our Black asses on them ships.
People, we have to refuse to fall for the oke doke. We got Black babies to grow. Teach your seeds Ourstory and let them know that they should not be afraid to live like the kings and queens that they are. We can’t have them growing up thinking that this is how shit is supposed to be. Do you want your seeds to fall over the same hurdles that you did? Or, do you want to teach them to metaphorically jump higher, run faster, and dodge them fuck’in bullets that put your ass in the dirt? Then remove those chains and open your damn eyes. Stop hate’in on each other, niggas unite and rise together. Socrates Fortlow said, “They separated us. They made sure that slaves came from different tribes and spoke different tongues so they couldn’t plot against ‘em. That’s how we learned to be black people---alone, even in a crowd.”
Division is the only way they can control us. Tighten up your family first, and then work on your neighbors, then your hood. Try to keep it 100 and build. Find out what we can do together and stop thinking that we have done something because we have a few at the top.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

“the straight”

some a yall just don’t fuck’in understand
but on the real I’m try’in to get all yall to overstand
sometime it’s hard as hell being somebody’s daddy
when a nigga’s own daddy never was a nigga’s daddy.
shit, sometimes I just wanna lay back in the 84 footed Caddy
and get some brain from a dime while I’m burn’in down a fatty.
but that ain’t me, I don’t even own a Llac
and my new job run random tests so I can’t chance going back
on that unemployment shit
sometimes life plays like a skit.
i got 3 seeds look’in up to me
i’m try’in ta show ‘em what a real daddy sposed to be
but I never had a fuck’in rolemodel
that nigga was busy spending his life in the bottom of a bottle
and kick'in momma in the ass
and make'in my brothers grow too fast.
now it’s ironic that I find myself take’in straight shots like a semi-auto gat,
it don’t matter brown or clear nigga where the fuck it at?
but a nigga still maintain and show and prove for my seeds
even though they see my flaws, I hope they remember my good deeds

“The Bus Stop”

It was 9:30 on Saturday morning and John was riding his bike to the store to get a Black and some coffee. As he was passing the bus stop he heard someone trying to get his attention:
“Youngblood, hey hommie…”
John looked over at the small crowd of people at the bus stop but did not recognize anyone.
“Youngblood let me holla at you for a minute.”
John stopped in front of a thirtyish looking dude wearing old school Js, jeans, and a white tee.
“Do you know me man? Cause I don’t recognize your face…”
“They call me Fire, you don’t remember me from the party last night do you Youngblood?”
John’s eyes narrowed to slits. “No man, I don’t remember you”
“Why the fuck did you and your brotha come up in there blast’in like that? Look’in for some nigga… Man, yall lucky that yall left when yall did. We was about to throw some hot rocks in yall asses.”
“Say what?”
“I said that you and yo brotha was about to get dealt with!”
“Really? So you tight with that nigga Earl huh?”
“That’s my people…”
“Damn, you say yall was gonna blast us?”
“Hell yea nigga! You come up in our shit and start pop’in off shots like that… I don’t give a fuck who you got beef with, you chose the wrong place hommie! As a matter of fact I otta put my foot in yo ass right now!”
“There ain’t no need for that.”
John turned his bike around and pedaled in the direction that he came from.
“That’s right hommie; take yo ass on before you get stomped!”

About five minutes later John was riding his bike back up the street. As he approached the bus stop he saw that Fire was still there, waiting on the bus.
When Fire saw John he jumped to his feet.

“Muthafucka I thought I told you to get on? Now I’ma have to fuck you up!”
John didn’t say a word as he rode up to Fire; he dropped his bike, reached in his pocket and pulled out a black 9mm.

The small crowd of people at the bus stop scattered when they saw the gun. The only one that didn’t run was Fire.
“Hold up Youngblood, we good. I told you that we was gonna get at yall last night. Today is a new day, that shit is squashed now.”

John didn’t say a word as he walked up to Fire. He raised the 9 and held it about a foot from Fire’s forehead. He looked into Fire’s frightened eyes.

“My brother got shot about 3:30 this morning.”
“Naw Youngblood, I been at my lady’s crib since yall closed the party down last night.”
“That’s funny cause one of the last things my brother said was, ‘Get Fire.’ I didn’t know what the hell he was talking about until you told me what your name was.”
“Naw nigga, I told you I was-“

The bullet made a small hole in Fire’s forehead and blasted the back of his head off before he hit the ground.

John put three bullets in Fire’s heart as he lay dead on the ground.

John put the gun back in his pocket and took off his gloves. He got back on his bike and rolled slowly down the sidewalk. He was two blocks away when the two Black&Whites sped past him in the direction of Fire’s dead body.