Thursday, February 2, 2012

“The Bus Stop”

It was 9:30 on Saturday morning and John was riding his bike to the store to get a Black and some coffee. As he was passing the bus stop he heard someone trying to get his attention:
“Youngblood, hey hommie…”
John looked over at the small crowd of people at the bus stop but did not recognize anyone.
“Youngblood let me holla at you for a minute.”
John stopped in front of a thirtyish looking dude wearing old school Js, jeans, and a white tee.
“Do you know me man? Cause I don’t recognize your face…”
“They call me Fire, you don’t remember me from the party last night do you Youngblood?”
John’s eyes narrowed to slits. “No man, I don’t remember you”
“Why the fuck did you and your brotha come up in there blast’in like that? Look’in for some nigga… Man, yall lucky that yall left when yall did. We was about to throw some hot rocks in yall asses.”
“Say what?”
“I said that you and yo brotha was about to get dealt with!”
“Really? So you tight with that nigga Earl huh?”
“That’s my people…”
“Damn, you say yall was gonna blast us?”
“Hell yea nigga! You come up in our shit and start pop’in off shots like that… I don’t give a fuck who you got beef with, you chose the wrong place hommie! As a matter of fact I otta put my foot in yo ass right now!”
“There ain’t no need for that.”
John turned his bike around and pedaled in the direction that he came from.
“That’s right hommie; take yo ass on before you get stomped!”

About five minutes later John was riding his bike back up the street. As he approached the bus stop he saw that Fire was still there, waiting on the bus.
When Fire saw John he jumped to his feet.

“Muthafucka I thought I told you to get on? Now I’ma have to fuck you up!”
John didn’t say a word as he rode up to Fire; he dropped his bike, reached in his pocket and pulled out a black 9mm.

The small crowd of people at the bus stop scattered when they saw the gun. The only one that didn’t run was Fire.
“Hold up Youngblood, we good. I told you that we was gonna get at yall last night. Today is a new day, that shit is squashed now.”

John didn’t say a word as he walked up to Fire. He raised the 9 and held it about a foot from Fire’s forehead. He looked into Fire’s frightened eyes.

“My brother got shot about 3:30 this morning.”
“Naw Youngblood, I been at my lady’s crib since yall closed the party down last night.”
“That’s funny cause one of the last things my brother said was, ‘Get Fire.’ I didn’t know what the hell he was talking about until you told me what your name was.”
“Naw nigga, I told you I was-“

The bullet made a small hole in Fire’s forehead and blasted the back of his head off before he hit the ground.

John put three bullets in Fire’s heart as he lay dead on the ground.

John put the gun back in his pocket and took off his gloves. He got back on his bike and rolled slowly down the sidewalk. He was two blocks away when the two Black&Whites sped past him in the direction of Fire’s dead body.

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