Friday, February 17, 2012

I Reminisce

I used to love spark'in in the park
I spent so much time get’in lifted, just me and the birds and trees
I used to reflect a lot when I was in my special state, just sitting out there on a park bench
I would think about the world and how I did or did not fit in
I would wonder why my life was not quite like I wanted it to be
I would tip-toe on contemplating what my life would be like had I ended up with another woman

But then I could not imagine life without my kids and that was that
I remember picking up sacks and driving to Fiesta to roll in the parking lot; then on to the park
I did a lot of my night time burning in this one particular park
The anonymity of burn’in in the park at night is so attractive
People would walk right by me and never know what I looked like
One night I was burn’in in the park and this big ass owl flew over my head; that shit was so cool, like in the nature shows
I miss spark'in in the park

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