Tuesday, February 7, 2012

food for the thinking

Though it is a great accomplishment to finally have a Black president of these united states of america, it seems like a setback at the same time. A lot of Black folks have stopped digging as deep, stopped yelling as loud, stopped fighting as hard as they once did… Now that a Black man, a Black woman, and their Black children live in the white house, some Black people believe that we have finally overcome. They think the struggle is over. They think we have reached our goal. They think we are free at last because a Black man was elected, or depending how you look at it, allowed to be president of these united states of america.
Not to take anything away from brother Barack, but I see mirrors, smoke screens, veils, and more wool being pulled over already blinded eyes. They are still throwing us bones, bones with a little more meat on ‘em, but we are still getting bones while they are eating filet mignon. We are drinking 211 while they are drinking 100 year old Scotch. We are smoking stepped on while they burning that Cali-Medical. Are you following the analogy?
I don’t trust a muthafucka!!! Call it paranoia if you want; Paranoia: a baseless or excessive distrust of others. Follow the history of this country and tell me if my extreme distrust is really baseless or excessive. Muthafucka got your face in the mud all your life; hell he has had your face in the mood for the entire history of your people on this land. Been raping, murdering, maiming, starving, breaking up families, kicking your ass, turning you against your brother and sister, using your Black ass for all that he can, straight fuck’in your world up, and to this day he is still at it. And now that a Black man is really the HNIC, yall think that it is all good? “Nigga please, I got somethin’ real for your ass in these hands!”
How can one Black man reaching the “top” equal all of us reaching? They still got yall asses fooled cause you think shit is sweet now. The shit is still fucked up, in many ways it is more fucked up because a lot of us have been lulled into stagnation by the same muthafuckas that put our Black asses on them ships.
People, we have to refuse to fall for the oke doke. We got Black babies to grow. Teach your seeds Ourstory and let them know that they should not be afraid to live like the kings and queens that they are. We can’t have them growing up thinking that this is how shit is supposed to be. Do you want your seeds to fall over the same hurdles that you did? Or, do you want to teach them to metaphorically jump higher, run faster, and dodge them fuck’in bullets that put your ass in the dirt? Then remove those chains and open your damn eyes. Stop hate’in on each other, niggas unite and rise together. Socrates Fortlow said, “They separated us. They made sure that slaves came from different tribes and spoke different tongues so they couldn’t plot against ‘em. That’s how we learned to be black people---alone, even in a crowd.”
Division is the only way they can control us. Tighten up your family first, and then work on your neighbors, then your hood. Try to keep it 100 and build. Find out what we can do together and stop thinking that we have done something because we have a few at the top.

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