Friday, February 8, 2008

First History Lesson

The children in group one learned that this is their country. Their forefathers made the laws of the land and formed the government. They had all of the money and property. Only they were smart enough and brave enough to be presidents and lead this land. Their faces are on all of our money. History tells them that they built everything.
The children in group two learned that this is not their country. They were captured and brought from their homeland. They were herded on to ships like animals. They were chained together so tight that they had to shit and piss on themselves because they could not move. The sick were thrown overboard for the sharks to eat. When they got here they were sold as slaves and treated worse than some animals. Their families were torn apart. They lost their religion, language, and customs. Everything that they knew when they were in their homeland was wiped from their memory. History tells the children in group two that their forefathers did little to help make this great country. In fact, they are led to believe that over time they became a burden to society.
With everything else being the same in the classroom as far as supplies, treatment from their teacher, etc. Are these children on an equal field? Will the students who have been taught that their forefathers were slaves and burdens to society with no real contribution to this country perform just as well as the students who have been taught that their forefathers were great and all doing?

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