Thursday, February 21, 2008

the spanking

Back in the day, I spent a lot of time at my grandmother’s house during the summer. One day the girl next door, who was about my age, and I were playing house. I was the daddy, she was the mommy, and her little brother was our kid. I was acting like I was about to go to work so I was receiving my morning sendoff. She was in the process of giving me a rather large and wet kiss. I could not think of anything to do but put my hand down the front of her pants. I remember it feeling extremely soft down there. It was probably just a few seconds, but it seemed like I had my hand down her pants for hours. The next thing I knew Nana, my grandmother, was standing right over us looking very angry. She never said a word. She just grabbed me by my arm and lead me into the house. Once she got me inside she pulled down my pants and lit my little brown butt up. She only gave me a few lashes but my butt was burning for hours. When I was a kid I got a lot of spankings, but the one that I got that day was one that I will never forget. One reason that I will never forget it is because she used her bare hand but it felt like leather. Another reason that I will never forget it is because that was the only time my grandmother ever spanked me.

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