Tuesday, February 12, 2008

walking home

I think it was summer of 2001, and we had no vehicle at the time. We lived about thirty minuets from the store by foot, so it was nothing to walk to get groceries. It was a Friday and we were almost out of the essentials: milk, bread, fruit, etc. We had ordered pizza for dinner so I told my queen that I would go to the store later that night after things cooled down a bit. I had this sack of dynamite that I could not wait to burn up. After my queen and my seed had gone to bed, I rolled a stick and went for a walk around my apartment complex to burn. That shit was dynamite all right. I got so damn high that I had to sit down in the grass to chill. I put the stick out halfway through because I was better than good and decided to save the rest. About 1:00AM I was still on it when I remembered that I needed to go to the store. I got my backpack and headed out. I remember buying a lot of groceries that night. It might have been because my head was up and I had some money in my pocket. I seem to buy more than I need when I am elevated and I have some paper to spend.
I had crossed PV when I remembered that I had that stick to finish. There I was, 2:45AM walking down Riverside pushing a basket full of groceries puff’in on a fatty. I got a little paranoid when onetime rolled by, but the car kept rolling. I laughed to myself once I realized how shook I got. I remember talking to myself about the situation.
“Check yourself Supa, why would they waste their time on someone pushing a cart of groceries down the sidewalk minding their own damn business at 2:45AM smoking a black?”
“Fool, this ain’t no black!” “You better take another puff and realize.”
“I say black because that’s probably what it look like in the dark to those mutha fuckas. They got you all skeerd and shit! Here I was thinking that you a playa and you act’in like a punk!”
“Naa sun, it ain’t all that. I just can’t afford no shit with them folks. I got warrants and thangs from unpaid speed’in tickets from ’97.”
“Unpaid tickets...unpaid tickets??? It's niggas out hear with work on em and you tripp’in off of that? Give me my mutha fuck’in weed, NNNAAGGGA!!!”
"I got mouths to feed fool! Fuck what you heard, Supa ain't going to jail over shit...as a matter of fact, I bought this sack! Get out and walk, NNNAAGGGA!!!"
"We walk'in already, you must be blowed!!!"
Like I said before, we lived about thirty minuets from the store by foot. I got home after 4 that morning. I don't know why it took me so long. I don’t really remember taking any detours or anything like that. I was just taking my time enjoying the night and the sweet and the conversation. After unloading my goods I left the basket in a ditch behind our unit along with the other carts.
That was a good time to be alive and free.

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