Friday, February 8, 2008


does anyone know that they were really talking about when they said, "Things you blow through because of things you swim through."

My Brain
am i really as crazy as i think i am?

sometimes i feel like Jimmy was talking about me when he said, "I know what I want but I just don't know."

if pussy went by any other name would it still feel just as good?

Ice Cube
"A bird in the hand is worth more than a Bush."
when he put this in his rhyme he was referring to the 1st pres. Bush; however, one wonders if it is more applicable to the 2nd pres. Bush

is it a coincidence that some women's fragrances remind me of pussy? for example, an attractive woman walks by me in the grocery store and i smell her perfume. depending on what it smells like, i have to follow the smell and find out what she looks like because it makes me think of pussy

is America, and the rest of the world for that matter, ready for a black president? Will he be criticized more frequently and severely because he is black? Will he even make it through a term before some hater tries to kill him because he is black?

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