Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jester Nights (1)

“Yo J…yo J, wake up!”
“What??? What do you want man???”
“J, wake up man, I gotta talk to you about something.”
“Can’t you see that I’m sleeping? What time is it anyway?”
“It’s only two in the morning…”
“Why in the hell are you waking me up in the middle of the night, I got to get up early for class and…WHY ARE YOU BUTT ASS NAKED???”
“I’m not naked, I got my Bruce Lee headband on…”
“You need some serious help man…where is your girl anyway?”
“She’s asleep in my room.”
“So why don’t you take your naked ass and join her and leave me alone?”
“Yo J, I been dancing butt naked by the pale moon light!”
“I said, I been dancing butt ass naked by the pale moon light!”
“Man, will you please take your crazy ass back to your room? I swear that I’m going to start locking my door from now on!”
“Chill J, I was just going to tell you about this skunk that I came across.”
“Aw shit…you been smok’in again haven’t you? And now your high ass wants to talk to someone…”
“Yea J, let me holla at you for a minute.”
“Don’t even think about sitting your naked ass on my bed!!!”
“Cool, I can dance while I talk.”
“Yo, stop jumping around my room with your dick swinging all over the place!!!”
“Ok, ok…I’ma go…”
“You are one sick dude!!!”
“I know, but what can I say, my dad did it when he and my mom…”
“Too much info dude, just go…”
“I’ll holla…”

"Next time you come to my room make sure you got on some six-eight fool... "

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